Yoga: Free Videos for a Beginner’s Gentle At-Home Practice

We’re all so accustomed to looking outside of ourselves for answers, for direction, even for stimulation, but happens when one decides to practice one of the most introverted exercises out there?

When I started my own yoga practice, it was nine years before I even stepped foot into a yoga studio.

Why was that?

Well, for many of us, and especially for those of us with a chronic illness (such as mine: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Fibromyalgia), we become more than hesitant. We become almost fearful of what to expect:

Will the instructor understand my limitations? Will I understand my limitations?

Having the guide of a professionally trained yogi is one of the most valuable things you may ever receive, but if you’re feeling the itch to start from scratch at home, the following videos might be a great way to start your yogic journey!


Yoga is so much more than learning the asanas, or poses. You’ll soon find the healing power of connecting with your breath, and you’ll be able to find a space of stillness within. Be ready for a transformation to a better, more beautiful, and healthier you!

(When practicing, always have a folded blanket to sit on: in a seated, cross-legged position, your hips should be at least level your knees no below! As for other props, if you don’t have a block, often a book will work. For years I didn’t even own a yoga strap: I used an old cotton scarf. Click on the highlighted links for the videos that would not embed.)

We’ll begin with an Easy, Beginner 20 minute practice:

Yoga for Beginner’s 40 minute practice:

A gentle, 15 minute session:

A gentle, 10 minute session:

A 7 minute breath, centering, seated practice:

A gentle, 30 minute practice: Grab a folded blanket or two, a strap, and make sure you have wall space. Great for beginners, but it’s all floor/seated postures, so skip if you have trouble with your hips or knees in seated poses. Modify where needed:

Mindful Yoga – Simple, Easy & Calming Hatha Yoga : A 28 minute practice with great instructions, easy enough for a beginner. A Gentle all over stretch. Grab a thick blanket, and a strap. Modify where needed:

A great, mindful, 20 minute practice that is gentle enough for beginners. Have a folded blanket to sit on, and work out that tension slowly, and mindfully:

Bedtime Yoga:

An hour long Kripalu Class (Kripalu is the style that I’m currently being trained in).

A 30 minute Love Yourself practice.

When I first began my yogic journey, all of the great yogis on my DVDs would say,

“The more you practice, the more benefits you’ll receive.”

That statement could not be further from the truth!

do yoga and enjoy life

Having trouble understanding a particular pose? Check out YogaJournal and Yoga with Adriene for the technical breakdowns.  You might also want to check out my post Beginner’s Yoga, Tid-bits, Mods, & Downward-facing Dog.

If you would like to keep your practice going, hopefully with a daily practice, follow me on Pinterest and Facebook!

For those of you in chronic pain: Once you’re feeling comfortable, and you’re thinking about hitting the studio, I’d suggest finding one of the following classes: Gentle/Hatha, Restorative, or even Svaroopa® yoga. Some styles that you may want to avoid due to their intensity may be: Ashtanga, Bikram, Power, and Jjivamukti. Vinyasa gets a mixed review, as some classes may follow a gentle flow, but in my experience I was left aching in the following days. To play it safe, I always say, “If most of the people in your class are over 50, then you’ll be fine!”

Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments, in the comments down below, or message me on Facebook.




3 responses to “Yoga: Free Videos for a Beginner’s Gentle At-Home Practice”

  1. Paul Wright Avatar
    Paul Wright

    Can all the videos above be used by someone with EDS?

    1. theglutenfreeyogi Avatar

      Hi Paul! Sorry for the delay!

      The thing about EDSers, and the thing about yogis, is that there is quite a spectrum of needs and limitations. Luckily, one of the first “commandments” of yoga teaches us to not harm ourselves, and another teaches us to be honest with oneself. However, this self awareness takes time to develop, so anyone who comes to yoga should do it slowly, and with as much awareness they can bring. You can always stop and just watch if you’re questioning if you should, or shouldn’t.

      I can say that the videos on the page are rather gentle. Maybe skip over the 2nd and the 3rd one, and poke around at the rest.

      Is this for you or a loved one?

      1. Paul Wright Avatar
        Paul Wright

        Thanks for your reply. Yes, this is for me.

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